Federal Public Service Commission jobs 2022- FPSC latest jobs Announcement

Federal Public Service Commission Jobs opening of Deputy Director General Assistant Chief, Junior Civilian Labor Officer, Assistant Professor, Lady Physiotherapist, Sub Treasury Officer, Assistant Director, Accountant, Computer Operator, Librarian, Scientific Officer, Junior Establishment and Finance Officer, Doctor, Assistant Dental Surgeon, Professor and others. Willing competitors might apply online. The last date for accommodation of utilization.

Federal Public Service Commission jobs is the liable for the holding of test at government base on absolutely merit base. The dedicated and appropriate candidates who get post. Through Federal Public Service Commission Jobs. The complete qualification standards and application accommodation process obviously notice beneath.

The Federal Public Service Commission Jobs was set up without precedent for British frontier rule in 1926. After autonomy, the commission was set up in Pakistan in 1947 under the arrangement of Government of Pakistan Act.

Enrollment to BS-16 or more posts, other than 12 Occupational Groups/Services, which is made through CSS Competitive Examination, is handled under General enlistment framework. The enlistment interaction is started by the Commission on receipt of Requisition to fill the posts from the concerned Ministry/Division, which is publicized in every one of the main National Dailies on first Sunday of consistently.

Available Positions For Federal Public Service Commission Jobs

Deputy Director General Assistant Chief
➧Junior Civilian Labour Officer
➧Assistant Professor
➧Lady Physiotherapist
➧Sub Treasury Officer
➧Assistant Director
➧Computer Operator
➧Scientific Officer
➧Junior Establishment & Finance Officer
➧Doctor, Assistant Dental Surgeon
➧Assistant Director Programmer
➧Range Forest Officer
➧Assistant Manager IT
➧Deputy Director
➧Medical Officer

Required Education For Federal Public Service Commission

Bachelor or equivalent


The equal career opportunity for both

Age Limit:

20 to 45 Years



Recruitment Policy

The allocation of posts to merit and provincial / regional quotas is made according to government’s policy  is as under.


1. Merit 7.5 %

2. Punjab (Including Federal Area of Islamabad) 50 %

3. Sindh (Including Karachi) 19%
The Share of Sindh will be further sub-allocated in the following ratio:
– Urban Areas, namely Karachi, Hyderabad & Sukkur 40% of 19% or 7.6%.
– Rural Areas i.e. rest of Sindh (Excluding Karachi, Hyderabad & Sukkur, 60% of 19% or 11.4%. 19 %)

4. NWFP 11.5 %

5. Balochistan 6 %

6. Northern Areas and Federally Administrated Tribal Areas  4 %

7. Azad Kashmir 2%

Women Reserved Quota: 10% Women quota will be observed / calculated from the share of each province / region in terms of Establishment Division’s O.M. No.4/15/2006-R-2, dated 22.05.2007. The unfilled vacancies shall be carried forward.

Scrutiny of Applications/Documents

The applications received for general recruitment are scrutinized, keeping in view the advertised conditions/recruitment rules. The applicants, who fulfill all the advertised conditions, qualify for interview and remaining are rejected with right of representation/appeal, as per law/rules.

Written Tests

In general recruitment cases, the Commission hold written tests, in order to assess the relative technical and professional ability of the candidates, syllabic for written tests is placed at FPSC Web Site under heading Tests & Interviews well before schedule of tests.


The candidates qualifying such written tests subject to their eligibility and availability of respective quota vacancies, etc are called for interviews, which are held at FPSC Headquarters and its four Branch Offices located at Provincial Headquarters.

How to Apply for Federal Public Service Commission Jobs 2022

  1. Interested Applicants fulfilling all eligibility criteria are suggested to apply via online at the official site or through web link given below.
  2. Those candidates who do not have access to Internet Facility are allowed to apply on an application written on plain paper including complete information to the Secretary Federal public service commission.
  3. The applicants have to pay the test fee of Rs. 300/ for BPS-16 & 17, Rs. 750/ for BPS-18, Rs. 1200/ for BS-19 and Rs. 1500/ for BS-20 & above posts, in the NBP Bank, Government Treasury, and State Treasury.
  4. The MCQS Written (Descriptive) Test will be held.
Federal Public Service Commission jobs
Federal Public Service Commission jobs
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